
Tarragon is an aromatic plant species which is mostly cultivated in sunny and hot areas. However, it can resist cold winters with up to -15°C. The main growing area is in southern Iran, especially in the city of Kerman.

The harvest begins each year in May and normally ends at the end of September. About 2 to 2.5 tons of dried tarragon are produced from every hectare. The plant can grow up to one meter. The leaves can reach a length of about 3 to 8 cm and a width of 0.5 to 1.2 cm. This plant species’ life span lasts maximum 8 to 10 years. However, the harvest is only usable within six years.

Fresh tarragon contains tannins, 60-70% estragole, methylchavicol, and 15-20% ocimenes.

Tarragon is primarily known as a culinary herb, but it also has several medicinal effects. The folk medicine often uses the tarragon, especially French people. At the menopause, the tarragon provides a valuable service in alleviating menopausal symptoms. Used as tea, tarragon promotes the activity of the kidneys and stimulates the metabolism. It also helps against rheumatism and gout.

In addition, tarragon helps against cough and can be used against fever. Due to its vitamin C content, it can help against vitamin C deficiency and spring fatigue and also help against restlessness and sleep disorders.

We offer you different kinds of tarragon depending on your needs. Whether for oils or as an herb – we pack and ship the product to you according to your wishes. Of course, we can give you samples to convince you of our quality.